INSTRUMENTATION LIMITED Invites Applications for the Recruitment of Management Trainee (P&A)/Management Trainee Technical (Mechanical)
IL offers career opportunity to young bright Personnel Officer and Engineers as Management Trainees (P&A) & Technical cadre for its manufacturing unit at Palakkad, Kerala:
(A Govt of India Enterprise)
AGE: 28 years as on 01.11.2013
TRAINING : One year (After successful completion of training may be absorbed in regular pay scale of the Company as Personnel Officer/Engineer).
REMUNERATION : Stipend Rs.12,000/- pm (all inclusive). PG Engineering Degree holders after acquiring BE/B.Tech will be offered regular pay scale of Rs. 8600-250-14600.
HOW TO APPLY : Interested candidates should apply in the prescribed application form obtainable from the Dy. Manager (P&A), Instrumentation Limited, Kanjikode West – 678 623, Palakkad, Kerala within 21 days from the publication of this advertisement by furnishing a non-refundable Demand Draft of Rs. 100/- drawn on any Nationalized Bank payable at Palakkad, favouring Instrumentation Limited, along with self addressed and stamped (Rs. 5/-) envelope of size 26cm x 12cm. SC/ST/PH persons are exempted from
application fee on production of relevant certificate. The last date for receipt of completed application form is 20.01.2014.
To see the detail advertisement please visit
(A Govt of India Enterprise)
- Management Trainee (P&A) – 1 Post
ELIGIBILITY: Candidates with 60% of marks in MBA with specialization in HR/Master Degree in relevant subject.
- Management Trainee Technical (Mechanical) – 2 Posts
Engineering Graduates in Mechanical with minimum 65% of marksTRAINING : One year (After successful completion of training may be absorbed in regular pay scale of the Company as Personnel Officer/Engineer).
REMUNERATION : Stipend Rs.12,000/- pm (all inclusive). PG Engineering Degree holders after acquiring BE/B.Tech will be offered regular pay scale of Rs. 8600-250-14600.
HOW TO APPLY : Interested candidates should apply in the prescribed application form obtainable from the Dy. Manager (P&A), Instrumentation Limited, Kanjikode West – 678 623, Palakkad, Kerala within 21 days from the publication of this advertisement by furnishing a non-refundable Demand Draft of Rs. 100/- drawn on any Nationalized Bank payable at Palakkad, favouring Instrumentation Limited, along with self addressed and stamped (Rs. 5/-) envelope of size 26cm x 12cm. SC/ST/PH persons are exempted from
application fee on production of relevant certificate. The last date for receipt of completed application form is 20.01.2014.
To see the detail advertisement please visit
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