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Job Applications are Invited from Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya (GGU) for Recruitment for Teaching and Non-Teaching posts

Applications on prescribed format are invited from the eligible candidates for the following faculty and non-faculty positions :

Organization: Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya (GGU)
(A Central University)
Koni, Bilaspur - 495009, Chhattisgarh

  1. Assistant Professor (Biotechnology) :  01 post (UR) 
  2. Technician : 03 posts (UR) under DBT Builder Programme (on purely temporary basis likely to continue for 04 years, (under rolling application system)
  3. Assistant Professor : 13 posts on Purely Temporary/Adhoc basis for Department of Education for B.Ed. Special Education (For hearing Impairment - 01 post (SC) and for Learning Disability - 02 posts (UR- 01, SC-01) and Department of Management Studies : 02 posts ((01-OBC, 01-ST), Department of Commerce : 08 posts (04-UR, 02-SC, 01-ST, 01-OBC) 
  4. Non- Teaching (under rolling application system) :
    1. Director Research & Placement : 01 post
    2. Radiation Safety Officer : 01 post (UR) 
    3. Sr. System Analyst/ System Programmer : 01 post (UR) 
    4. Technical Officer : 01 post (UR) 
    5. Curator : 01 post (UR) 
    6. Training & Placement Officer : 01 post (UR) 
    7. Public Relation Officer : 01 post (UR)
    8. Sub Engg. : 01 post (UR) 
    9. Statistical Assistant : 01 post (UR) 
    10. Data Entry Operator Gr-1 : 02 posts (UR)
    11. Matron : 01 post (UR) 
    12. Sanitary Inspector : 01 post  (UR)
    13. Laboratory Assistant : 01 post (UR) 
    14. Library Assistant : 01 post (UR)
    15. Data Entry Operator/ Computer Assistant : 07 posts (04-UR, 02-OBC, 01-SC)
    16. Gas Mechanic : 01 post (UR) 
    17. Carpenter : 01 post (OBC)
    18. Electrician : 01 post  (UR)
    19. Hindi Translator : 01 post (UR) 
    20. Hindi Typist : 01 post (UR)
  5. Academic Staff College - Tenure positions (under rolling application system) : 
    1. Section Officer : 01 post (UR) 
    2. Sr. Assistant : 01 post (UR) 
    3. Jr. Assistant : 01 post (UR) 
    4. Steno/ Computer Operator : 01 post (UR)
    5. Peon : 01 post (UR) 
    6. Hostel Attendant : 01 post (UR) 
  6. Other Posts (on purely temporary basis, likely to continue with approval of UGC) (under rolling application system) :
    1. Internal Audit Officer : 01 post (UR)
    2. Law Officer : 01 post (UR)
    3. Horticulturist : 01 post (UR)
    4. Estate Officer : 01 post (UR)
    5. Security Officer : 01 post (UR)
    6. Accountant : 02 posts (UR)
    7. Telephone Operator : 01 post (UR)
    8. Medical Officer (Female) :  01 post (UR) 
  7. Technical Officer : 01 post (UR)
  8. Technician : 02 posts (UR) under IMF, in Department of Pure and Applied  Physics (on purely temporary basis (under rolling application system)
  9. JRF/ Project Fellows on purely temporary basis in Department of Pure and Applied Physics (05-BSR Fellowship, 02-JRF for NCAR under BRNS and 02 Project fellow under UGC MRP & UFUP Project)
How to Apply : Duly filled-in applications in the prescribed format may reach the Registrar, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur (CG) throughout the year by registered/ Speed post. 

Please visit for details and application format.


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