Rural Electrification Corporation Limited (REC) is a scheduled 'A' Public Sector enterprise engaged in process of acceleration development of power infrastructure in the country. REC desires to recruit professionals across varied disciplines :
UPSC invites Online application by 15/11/2013 for following various posts in various Government of India Ministries and Departments in the prescribed format. The posts are( Advertisement No. 16/2013 ) :
Central Electronics Limited is looking forward to recruit high caliber and talented professionals on contractual basis for two years which is further extendable on performance basis for one more year.
CBMR invites applications for the faculty positions (Professors and Assistant Professors) in different disciplines from Indian nationals who are exceptionally bright and motivated, with an established record of independent research and commitment to publish high quality research in relevant area. :
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Delhi will be conducting the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) for a person to be eligible for appointment as a teacher for classes I to VIII on 16/02/2014 . Candidates can apply On-line for CTET Feb-2014 on CBSE/ CTET website.
Havildar Education in Group 'X' and 'Y' are to be recruited for the army Education corps to impart education to troops. Applications are invited from male candidates for recruitment as Havildar (Education) in Group 'X' and 'Y' in the Army Educational Corps of Indian Army :
SBI Payment Services Private Limited provides services related to merchant acquiring business (Card Present) to SBI. SBI Payment is hiring candidates for the following position :
Online applications are invited from eligible Indian Nationals for direct recruitment to the following posts of Assistant Engineer (Trainee) in various distribution companies viz, Madhyanchal/ Poorvanchal/ Pashchimanchal/ Dakshinanchal/ Kesco and Power Transmission Corporation Ltd. under Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Ltd (UPPCL) ( Advt. No. 03/ VSA/ 2013) .
RITES Ltd. a premier consultancy organization is in urgent need of dynamic and hard working Technical Assistants in Civil discipline for projects under Track & Survey Division. The appointment shall be purely on contract basis :
Advertisement inviting applications for the posts of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor , in the various University Departments/ Sir J. J. College of Architecture :
Become a Permanent Service Commissioned (PSC) Officer in the Logistics, Naval Armament Inspection Cadre OR Education Branch, Course Commencing - June 2014:
INCOIS a knowledge and information technology enterprise for the oceanic realm IS pursuing focused programmes in the areas of Ocean Observations. INCOIS is currently offering the following temporary positions on contract mode :
Centre for development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) a scientific society of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Govt. of India. C-DAC Hyderabad invites Online application for following posts of Project Engineer on contract basis:
Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute (CSMCRI) invites application for the following posts of Scientist from Indian Citizens( Advertisement no. 04/2013 ). :
The Punjab Public Service Commission invites Online Application Forms from eligible candidates for recruitment to the following Posts in various Departments of Government of Punjab :
Online applications are invited for the following posts of Inspector (Food) in Food Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department in Punjab Government :
Applications are invited from Indian citizens by the AIIMS Bhopal, for the following faculty posts on regular basis in various disciplines/ specialty :
Online applications are invited for the following posts of Inspector (Food) in Food Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department in Punjab Government :
Combined Competitive Examination for Recruitment to Miscellaneous posts 2013-14 Applications are invited in the prescribed form from bonafide citizens of India for selection of candidates for the under mentioned posts under the Government of Tripura through “The Tripura Combined Competitive Examination for recruitment to the Miscellaneous Posts”( Advt. No. 07/2013 ) :
Applications are invited in the prescribed form from bonafide citizens of India for selection of candidates for the following posts of Sub-Inspector Excise( Advt. No. 08/2013 ) :
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will hold the Special Class Railway Apprentices' Examination (SCRA), 2014 on 12/01/2014 for recruitment to the Special Class Apprentices in the Mechanical Department of Indian Railways.
Central Electronics Limited is a Public Sector Enterprise, Schedule B Company under Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, Ministry of Science & Technology. CEL is looking forward to recruit high caliber and talented professionals on contractual basis for two years which is further extendable on performance basis for one more year. On the basis of exemplary performance during the contractual period, the incumbents may also be considered for absorption in regular cadre of the Company. Applications are hereby invited for following posts :
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Unite Nations Development Programme (UNDP) invites applications from interested candidates for the following posts in UNDP and Government of India, Ministry of Panchayati Raj Project : "Strengthening Capacities of Panchayati Raj" :
NHAI invites applications for the post of Dy. Manager (Technical) from candidates who have qualified in the written examination for Indian Engineering Services (IES) (Civil) conducted by UPSC in 2012 and have not been finally selected or those who have declined the offer of UPSC, after selection :
Applications are invited from dynamic and forward looking Indian citizens for the following Non-Teaching positions for appointment in Sikkim University :
The Central Recruitment Agency of the High Court of Punjab & Haryana at Chandigarh, on behalf of Punjab Legal Services Authority, invites applications Online for filling up vacant posts of Clerk in the Punjab Legal Services Authority at Chandigarh, District Legal Services Authorities and Permanent Lok Adalats (Public Utility Services) in the Districts of the State of Punjab, as per the details given below :
Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Umited, Visakhapatnam Steel Plant (Vizag Steel), is a prestigious "Mini Ratna" PSU under the Ministry of Steel. Vizag Steel invites qualified, experienced and competent professionals for the following posts :
Marudhara Gramin Bank invites applications for the post of Officer in Junior Management (Scale I) Cadre and Office Assistant (Multipurpose) from Indian citizens who have appeared at the Common Written Examination for RRBs conducted by IBPS in September 2012 and declared qualified :