Applications are invited from unmarried/married male and unmarried female or widow of defence candidates for for grant of Short Service Commission (SSC) in the Indian Army through NCC Special Entry Scheme 35th Course Commencing April-2014:
Government Medical College & Hospital (GMCH) invites applications from eligible candidates for filling up the following Group ‘A’ Medical Faculty posts for different specialties in Government Medical College & Hospital, Sector-32, Chandigarh on contract basis :
Kashi Gomti Samyukt Gramin (KGSG) Bank is looking for eligible candidates for the post of Officer(Scale I/II/III) from those candidates who have appeared in CWE for RRBs in conducted by IBPS in September 2012 and have valid score card :
Directorate of Education Delhi invites application from eligible candidates for filling up the vacancies of Guest Teachers in Delhi Govt. Schools. Engagements are on temporary basis till the regular post is filled or till 10/05/2014 :
Applications are Invited from talented and outstanding sports persons of all categories on the prescribed format for recruitment in Gr. C and Gr. D against sports quota 2013-14:
Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSSB) invites a pplications from eligible Indian National for filling up the following post through Online Applications Registration System (OARS)( Advertisement No.: 02/2013 ):
Raichur Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), Raichur invites applications from eligible candidates for the following faculty faculty posts in the existing AICTE scales( Walk-In-Interview ) :
IIT Kanpur invites applications from dynamic Indian Nationals for appointment on regular/ contract basis for 5 years (likely to be confirmed, subject to noteworthy performance) on the following posts(Advt. No. 6/2013):
Applications are invited from Indian Nationals Law Graduates Men and Women for grant of Short Service Commission (SSC) in the Indian Army for Judge Advocate General (JAG) Dept. Course April-2014 for Law Graduates Men and Women:
Applications are invited from bright, dynamic Indian Nationals for filling up of the following posts on contract basis in Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur:
The Central University of Punjab (CUP), Bathinda invites applications for the post of Assistant Professors (on purely temporary and contract basis for one year or till the positions are filled up on regular basis whichever is earlier) in the following centres of studies :
Council of Scientific & Industrial Research - CSIR invites application dynamic Indian nationals for filling up posts in its various Units/ Divisions at its H'qrs. in New Delhi:
AIIMS Bhubaneswar is in search of bright and dynamic Indian citizens, for filling up the following faculty posts on regular basis in various disciplines/ specialty :
NALCO is hiring dynamic and competent doctors in the discipline of Medicine, Surgery, Anesthesia, Radiology & Skin for manning various positions in its own hospitals :
THE INDIAN NAVY Invites applications from Final and Pre-final year Engineering Students students to join the Indian Navy as Short Service Commissioned (SSC) Officers in Technical / Executive Branches under University Entry Scheme (UES)
INCOIS a knowledge and information technology enterprise is currently offering the following temporary positions to bright, dynamic and motivated persons to contribute to its missions and projects on contract mode:
Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute (CSMCRI) invites application from eligible Indian Citizens for the post of Scientist(Advertisement no. 02/2013).
Review Officer/ Assistant Review Officer Etc. (Gen. Rectt.) Examination-2013 and Review Officer/ Assistant Review Officer Etc. Physically Handicapped (Backlog/ Special Recruitment) Examination-2013 Online applications are invited by UP PSC for following posts of Review Officers Preliminary Examination - 2013 :
SSB invites applications from eligible Indian citizens fulfilling the eligibility criteria for recruitment of the posts of Constable Tradesman in SSB :
RITES Limited, a premier consultancy organization, requires dynamic and energetic Engineers (Mechanical & Metallurgy) on contract basis through walk-in-interview :
Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC), a premier insurancecompany of India invites applications for Engagement of Direct Sales Executives on contract basis for 3 years:
Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology (GJUST) an "A" grade Accredited University invites applications from eligible and dynamic candidates for the following Faculty and Non-Faculty posts :
STATE BANK Of INDIA (SBI) invites applications from eligible Indian Citizens for appointment as Rajbhasha Officers as and in the cadre of Assistant Manager in Junior Management Grade Scale I :
Punjab Infrastructure Development Board headed by the Chief Minister Punjab invites applications from eligible candidates for post of Assistant General Manager (Finance, (Projects, Architecture & Planning):
Mewar University, an autonomous body set up by the Government of Rajasthan through Act. No. 4 of 2009 invites applications from eligible candidates for following academic positions:
Municipal Corporation of Delhi invites online applications from eligible candidates for following posts of Teachers on contract basis till the regular posts are filled :
Ambedkar University, Delhi (AUD) established in 2008 by the Government of the NCT of Delhi invites applications from eligible candidates for faculty positions of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor in various subjects/ disciplines :
Bihar Rural Livelihoods Promotion Society (BRLPS), an autonomous society under department of Finance, Govt. of Bihar to scale up the "JEEViKA" model invites appplications for the following positions:
North Bihar Power Distribution Company Limited (NBPDCL) invites a pplications from eligible Candidates for appointment to the post of Accounts Officer/ Accountant for Head offices and Field offices as per the details given below :
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited, a leading “Navratna” Public Sector Enterprise invites application for the position of Officer Trainees from bright, young & dynamic candidates to join HPCL team of world class professionals:
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) invites application from eligible candidates for direct recruitment against the vacancies for the year 2013-2014 in the following 5566 posts included in Group-IV Services( Advertisement no . 9/2013 ) :
Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), India’s premier Navaratna Defence Electronics Company requires eligible dynamic persons for following post in the field of Microwave Engineering at Bangalore Unit :
Medical Officer Selection Board ( Central Armed Police Forces - CAPFs) –2013 Medical Officer Selection Board invites applications from Indian Citizens for appointment to Group ‘A’ post of (BSF, CRPF, ITBP, SSB and Assam Rifles) in Central Police Forces:
IFFCO, the largest fertiliser manufacturing and marketing cooperative of the world invites application for Graduate Engineer Trainees (GET) and Agriculture Graduate Trainee (AGT) :
Directorate General Border Security Force (BSF) invites applications from eligible Indian citizens for appointment for the following para-medical posts in BSF :
Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) invites online applications from eligible Indian Citizens for filling up the following post( Advertisement No. VSSC-277 )
Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) invites online applications from eligible Indian Citizens for filling up the following post( Advertisement No. VSSC-279 )
Hindustan Paper Corporation Limited invites applications for following post from candidates having proven managerial and leadership qualities for its Corporate Headquarters and its mills in North-Eastern Region. :
North Eastern Development Finance Corporation Ltd. (NEDFI) invites application from eligible Indian Citizens for filling up the post of Assistant Manager Grade A.
Applications are invited from unmarried Male Candidates for Enrollment as Sailors for Artificer Apprentice (AA) - 135th Batch. Course Commencing February 2014 .
National Institute of Unani Medicine (NIUM) invites applications from eligible candidates for following vacant posts to be filled on through written test & interview :
The Shipping Corporation Of India Ltd. invites applications from eligible Unmarried Male and Female Graduates In Mechanical Engineering/ Mechanical & Automation Engineering for Recruitment as Trainee Marine Engineer (TME).
IIT (BHU) invites applications from eligible candidates for faculty positions at the level of Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor in its various academic Departments :
Requirement of Assistant Manager (Electrical/ Signal & Telecom/ Civil) in Metro Rail projects at Delhi/ NCR/ Kochi/ Jaipur DMRC invites applications for following posts of Assistant Managers(Signal & Telecom/ Electrical/ Civil) in DMRC who have valid GATE 2013 score :
National Institute of Technology Nagaland (NIT Nagaland) invites applications for the following post in the regular cadre and on contract basis. Candidates who are likely to complete their Ph.D within the next few months are also encouraged to apply. In case, candidates with Ph.D are not available, masters degree holders from reputed Institutions with good academic record shall be considered on contract basis:
National Institute of Technology (NIT), Tiruchirappalli invites application from Indian Nationals for the post of Assistant Professors in various Departments:
Applications are invited from India Trade Promotion Organisation (ITPO) for the post of Deputy Managers in following cadres by direct recruitment in the pay - scale of Rs.16400 - 40500 (IDA pattern) with usual allowances:
Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI), the Apex Financial Institution in India invites applications for the following posts of Assistant Manager :
DMRC invites applications from dynamic eligible Civil/ Mechanical Engineers for filling up the following posts (ADVT No.DMRC/PERS/22/HR/2013 (54) Dated: 05/06/13)
Applications are invited for filling up the following Group-C posts in ITB Police (ITBP) from Indian citizens in the pay scale Rs. 15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs. 6600/- :
Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd. (NPCIL), a premier central Public Sector Enterprise, under the Department of Atomic Energy, invites application for the following Stenographer posts for its unit "Kakrapar Gujarat Site" :
The Institute for Plasma Research is a premier scientific institute under the Department of Atomic Energy; Govt. of India. ITER-India invites application for the following posts :
Haryana Gramin Bank invite online applications from eligible Indian citizens, for below mentioned post who have appeared at the Common Written Examination for RRBs conducted by IBPS and declared qualified :
Applications are invited from Indian Nationals (Male) only for filling up the following posts of in General Reserve Engineer Force (GREF) of Border Road Organisation (BRO) :
Online application are invited from UPSC by 27/06/2013 for following various posts in various Government of India Ministries and Departments in the prescribed format:
CIIL Regional Language Centres located at Bhubaneswar, Guwahati, Lucknow, Mysore, Patiala, Pune and Solan invites application for the following post on contract basis only :
Applications are invited for Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT) 02/2013 for the Courses commencing July 2014 Applications are invited from dynamic young engineers to join in the Air Force for grant of Short Service Commission in Flying Branch and Permanent/ Short Service Commission (PSC/ SSC) in Technical and Ground Duty Branches for the following courses for Men and Women through FCAT 02/2013 to be held on 25th August 2013 :
CSIR-NBRI Applications are Invited in the prescribed from CSIR-NBRI for the following technical / support staff posts from Indian citizens as per qualifications and other details, mentioned for the posts :
Application for the following post are invited from Institute for Plasma Research, a premier scientific institute under the Department of Atomic Energy; Govt. of India :
Central University of Bihar invites applications in the prescribed form from the eligible candidates for the following posts on regular basis for Gaya Campus. :
Recruitment of Telecommunication posts in ITBP Applications are invited for filling up the following Group-C posts in ITB Police (ITBP) from Indian citizens in the pay scale Rs.5200-20200 Grade Pay Rs.2000/- :
CSIO, one of the National Laboratories of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research is recruiting in its ranks young and dynamic persons with brilliant academic records in the following positions:
Applications are invited from Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies (RGUKT) for faculty positions in various academic departments of Engineering, Sciences, Humanities, Arts, Languages and Management:
Advertisement for Recruitment of Clerks/ SWGs (Backlog vacancies for SC/ST/MBC) The Madurai Kamaraj University invites applications from eligible candidates as mentioned below to fill up Backlog vacancies for SC/ST/MBC :
Applications are invited from The Dayalbagh Educational Institute, a Deemed University in the prescribed form for various faculty posts in various subjects/ disciplines/ specialisation.
Applications are invited for the following posts from Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine / IIIM, Jammu, a premier National Institute under the aegis of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India:
Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) invites applications from male Indian citizens fulfilling the eligibility criteria for recruitment to the following posts in SSB :
Applications in the prescribed format are invited for the posts in various subjects for a period of 3 years purely on contract basis from the eligible candidates. in Central Institute of Plastics Engineering & Technology (CIPET) Ahmedabad :
Applications in the prescribed format are invited for the posts in various subjects for a period of 3 years purely on contract basis from the eligible candidates. in Central Institute of Plastics Engineering & Technology (CIPET) Bhubaneswar :
Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) invites application from male Indian citizens fulfilling the eligibility criteria for recruitment to the following Para-Medical posts in SSB :
Applications are Invited from Staff Selection Commission (SSC) Southern Region (SR), Chennai for the following posts in various Ministries/ Offices of the Government of India :
Applications are invited from Staff Selection Commission (SSC), North-Eastern region in the prescribed proforma from eligible candidates for the following posts for various Ministries/ Offices of the Government of India :
Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) invites applications from male Indian citizens fulfilling the eligibility criteria for recruitment to the following posts in SSB :